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Public Star Party

  • Saturday, March 01, 2025
  • 5:45 PM - 11:30 PM
  • Dedication point

BAS Public Star Party Saturday, March 1st.

This star party is a GO!

 When: Weather permitting  - start time (sun down) about 5:45 pm, end at about 1am 

Who can attend: The event is open to any and all, with or without a telescope!  You don't need to be a club member, interested? Come out to see us.  Is it your first Star Party with the Boise Astronomical Society?

Where is it: South Swan Falls Road Melba, ID 83641

43.27666667, -116.3938889
43°16'35"N       116°23'38"W

Stay tuned to this page or Groups.IO or Facebook for a Go or NoGo status. The status update is usually live the day before or morning of the event.

With the new moon on the 27th of February, just a few days young,  if the weather cooperates, this may be a great evening to observe.

P.O. Box 7002
Boise, ID 83707

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