The Annular eclipse viewing partry is canceled for today,Saturday October 14th
The sun will be partially eclipsed by our Moon beginning at about 9:30am and ending at about 11:45am
The event will be at Julius Kleiner Park Meridian ID. We will setup solarsafe telescopes at the West end of the basket ball courts.
BAS will be selling sunsafe eclipse glasses on site. No refunds, cash only and exact amounts are appreciated.
Clouds are expected. How much of the sky is expected to be cloudy? Forecasts range from 60% to 16% during the three or so hours of the eclipse. Hey its astronomny, we are always at the mercy of the weather. Luckily the chance of rain is near zero.
All the forecasts anticipate winds, anywhere from 6 to 16 miles per hour. Please dress warmly and in layers for your comfort and safety.